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Intervision brings employees together in a small group for the purpose of exchanging experiences and views on a particular challenge or topic.

Intervision is the perfect method for participants to learn from each other (and from the trainer-intervisor) with regard to the chosen topic to arrive together at 'best practices', and to be able to address their own questions and challenges in the workplace. 
In Intervision, a safe and pleasant learning environment is created in which participants share their experiences with each other, cultivate social support, and motivate themselves and each other to grow and to face future challenges in a different and more effective way.

In this process, the intervisor is primarily a coach and discussion moderator who creates and monitors the right learning context. After all, intentions are carried out much better when individuals are encouraged to formulate them for themselves. The intervisor will share his or her own expertise and experiences in similar contexts and client organisations if these are of added value. 

Intervision can be requested around a diverse range of well-being-related topics (stress, work/life, resilience, teamwork, leadership, etc.), but can also be used as a general method in a group, team or department that is confronted with challenges.

Interested in learning more about our intervision service? Contact us.



A question, a particular request or a demonstration


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